Hard copy, In the Depths of the Forest, A3 Signed hard copy on 300g/cm² paper. The hard copy is packaged in hardcovers. What is a hard copy? A printed copy is a specially scanned image painted by me, which is then printed on paper. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my FB page .
Hard copy, Stranger Things, Max & Vecna, A3 Signed hard copy on 300g/cm² paper
Hard copy, Toothless, How to Train Your Dragon, A3 Signed hard copy on 300g/cm² paper
Hard copy, Arwen and Aragorn, A3 Signed hard copy on 300g/cm² paper
Hard copy, Roklinka, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, A3 Signed hard copy on 300g/cm² paper
Hard copy, Balrog & Gandalf, You Cannot Pass, A3 Signed hard copy on 300g/cm² paper
A5 hard copy, Special edition sketch Signed hard copy on 300g/cm².
Set of 5 A6 printed copies, Special edition sketches Signed hard copy on 300g/cm².
Hard copy, Close the Gate, Stranger Things A3 Signed hard copy on 300g/cm² paper.